my brother's journey to healthy skinmy brother's journey to healthy skin

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my brother's journey to healthy skin

Being the sole-guardian of my little brother since I was 19, I have had to learn how to take care of things that I knew nothing about. One such thing was finding out why his skin was always so scaly and dry. I had bought him every kind of skin moisturizer sold at the local drug store, but saw no improvement. I finally broke down and took him to a dermatologist to find out what was causing his skin to look the way that it did. After a few visits and a few tests, we were able to find out what was causing the problem and begin a treatment program that has really helped. To learn more about my brother's journey to healthy skin, click here website.

3 Potential Acne Causes And What You Can Do About Them

Are you struggling to get your adult acne under control? It's possible the reason you're having a hard time because you're treating a symptom, instead of the problem itself. Read on for a few potential acne causes, and what you can do about them.


Medications often carry with them a long list of side effects. If your acne troubles started soon after you began taking a new drug, it's possible that acne is one of those side effects. Although it's rare, it's not unheard of for medications such as lithium, corticosteroids, and anti-aging supplements to send your skin into break-out mode.

Medication-induced acne generally clears up once the medication is discontinued. Thus, the easiest way to deal with this particular problem is to stop taking the medicine in question. However, that may not always be practical-- the benefits of the medication may make continuing treatment worthwhile. In that instance, you may need to work with a dermatologist to get your acne under control. Acne brought on by medication may be difficult to treat, but there are many different types of acne treatments available. It's just a matter of trial and error to find what works best for you.


The jury is still out regarding the link between acne and diet. At one point, chocolate was thought of as an enemy to anyone wanting clear skin. While that's not necessarily the case, that doesn't mean the food you eat doesn't affect your skin. One anthropologist noted that acne became more prevalent in certain cultures after the introduction of processed foods. One possible reason for this is that processed foods tend to be high on the glycemic index, meaning the body's insulin levels tend to spike as the food is quickly digested. The spike in insulin can cause inflammation throughout the body, as well as changes in hormone levels-- both things that can lead to acne.

One way to help ensure your acne isn't diet related is to stick with unprocessed, nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, veggies, lean protein, low-fat dairy, and whole grains.


Certain illnesses can increase your likelihood of developing acne. Polycystic ovary syndrome, a disorder in which ovarian cysts cause hormone shifts in the body, tends to cause acne. Any other disease affecting the body's hormone levels, such as Cushing syndrome and endometriosis, may play a role in the development of acne as well.

If your acne is caused by an underlying health condition, treating the condition will likely cause the acne to clear up. Work with a dermatologist like East Carolina Dermatology and Skin Surgery, PLLC to determine what is causing your acne, and how best to get it under control.