my brother's journey to healthy skinmy brother's journey to healthy skin

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my brother's journey to healthy skin

Being the sole-guardian of my little brother since I was 19, I have had to learn how to take care of things that I knew nothing about. One such thing was finding out why his skin was always so scaly and dry. I had bought him every kind of skin moisturizer sold at the local drug store, but saw no improvement. I finally broke down and took him to a dermatologist to find out what was causing his skin to look the way that it did. After a few visits and a few tests, we were able to find out what was causing the problem and begin a treatment program that has really helped. To learn more about my brother's journey to healthy skin, click here website.

What To Expect When Seeing A Doctor For Mole Removal

Visiting the doctor for a skin issue can be unnerving, especially if you've never been to a dermatologist before. Among the most common reasons people see a dermatologist is for moles. If you have moles that are unsightly, large, irregularly shaped, or of an unusual color, it is good to have them looked at by a skin expert. In the event you have a mole removed during your visit, here are a few things you can expect:

Inspection, Testing, and Diagnosis May Be Necessary Before Removal

Although some people may get mole removal service in their area for cosmetic purposes, a mole must be inspected, and in many cases, tested for cancer and other skin disease. If a mole is a normal shape and color, a doctor may treat it or remove it without having to test a part of it for disease. If a mole you are having looked at is irregular in shape and color, a doctor may also examine a portion of the skin directly around the mole for disease.

Several Removal Methods Are Used on Moles

How a mole is removed will largely depend on whether or not a mole is cancerous. Moles that are just on the surface of the skin are often removed by the doctor issuing a numbing injection in the area and then cutting the mole out.  Non-threatening moles are also removed with lasers or by freezing. All of these treatments only take a few minutes. If your skin is tested and found to have cancer cells, portions of the skin may need to be surgically removed. In most cases, this is something that can be done as an out-patient procedure, often within your scheduled appointment.

Recovery Time is Usually Quick

When superficial moles are removed for cosmetic reasons, whether by being frozen or cut, the discomfort usually subsides within a few hours and the area treated will scab over and heal within about a week. Larger procedures, including some laser treatments and large skin removals, may take several weeks to fully heal. Almost all treatments or surgeries will be quick procedures.

Whether you are seeing a doctor for a mole because you don't like the cosmetic appearance or because you're concerned there may be a problem, a dermatologist can ensure you maintain healthy skin by examining the area. If removal is needed, the good news is that it probably won't be painful or require months to recover.