my brother's journey to healthy skinmy brother's journey to healthy skin

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my brother's journey to healthy skin

Being the sole-guardian of my little brother since I was 19, I have had to learn how to take care of things that I knew nothing about. One such thing was finding out why his skin was always so scaly and dry. I had bought him every kind of skin moisturizer sold at the local drug store, but saw no improvement. I finally broke down and took him to a dermatologist to find out what was causing his skin to look the way that it did. After a few visits and a few tests, we were able to find out what was causing the problem and begin a treatment program that has really helped. To learn more about my brother's journey to healthy skin, click here website.

Your Guide To Botox And Injectables

If you have unwanted wrinkles or other skin concerns, you may be wondering about Botox and injectables. Luckily, these procedures are incredibly common and safe. If you would like to know more, keep reading.

What Is Botox?

Botox is an injectable made from a toxin that can paralyze muscles. When used correctly, it can paralyze small muscles, preventing them from contracting and causing facial wrinkles. Botox is commonly used around the eyes, on the forehead, around the nose, and around the mouth. Botox does not fill in existing wrinkles, and it cannot correct sagging.

Many people start using Botox early to prevent wrinkles from forming around the eyes, nose, forehead, and mouth. While Botox is usually only associated with cosmetic medicine, it can also correct many medical issues, such as:

  • Chronic migraines
  • Excess underarm sweating
  • Overactive bladder
  • Muscle spasms

What About Other Injectables?

Derma fillers are other injectables that actually add volume to the face. For this reason, they can be used to fill in wrinkles. Unlike Botox, however, they do not prevent wrinkles. Dermal fillers may be used on:

  • Moderate to severe facial wrinkles
  • Skin folds
  • Perioral lines

They can also be used to augment your body because they add volume. Many people use dermal filler for larger lips, but other uses include cheeks, chin, and hands.

What Are the Benefits of Injectables?

Besides enhancing your look, Botox and other injectables have many other benefits. For starters, there are no incisions or general anesthesia. The process is minimally invasive and only involves a handful of syringe injections. In most cases, you can return to work right after treatment. You may have some redness, bruising, and swelling.

Results usually start to take effect immediately, but it may take time to see full results. The treatments aren't permanent because your body will eventually metabolize the injectable. As a result, benefits can vary and depend on how quickly your body metabolizes.

How Much Do Injectables Cost?

The exact price of your procedure depends on the location, the type of injectable, and the number of injections. On average, however, you'll pay about $250 to $600 per area for Botox. Fillers tend to cost a little more at $600 to $1,250 per area.

Don't worry about your wrinkles any longer. With Botox and fillers, you can get younger, smoother skin without surgery or permanent changes. If you would like to know more or if you want to schedule a consultation for Botox injections, contact a dermatologist today.